26 Apr 2023
The Start At the beginning of the semester we formed our group to complete our task of creating a web application to keep track of the 3rd floor POST infrastructure. For the first few milestones I was not able to...
Coding IntelliJ ESLint
14 Dec 2022
What I’ve Done In the Last Few Months Over the semester, aside from teaching me a whole new language and style, I learned a lot from this course. From working in groups, to working independently, from JavaScript to HTML. Within...
Software Engineering Reflection Personal Development
30 Nov 2022
What Are Design Patterns? A question commonly asked, but without a common answer. From person to person, the definition of a design pattern is not the same. A design pattern corresponds with the way that a software engineer thinks but...
Design Patters Coding Personal Development
06 Oct 2022
Coding the Internet HTML, the coding language of the world wide web. Learning this language is definitely as hard as learning another programming language like JavaScript. However, HTML, unlike JavaScript and other well known coding languages is used to modify...
CSS HTML Bootstrap
20 Sep 2022
Cleaning Up Lint Prior to this course, I have never made use of a coding standard or used something to point out formatting mistakes so the idea of ESLint was new to me. I’ve learned that it is an inspector...
Coding IntelliJ ESLint
08 Sep 2022
Stack Overflow On Stack Overflow, there are hundreds of thousands of questions asked all the time. However, not all of them are created equally, some questions are more defined than others and provide more context of their situation and their...
Questions Answers StackOverflow
31 Aug 2022
What is it? Software engineering is not a stranger when it comes to my interests in school. From a young age, computers have been a part of my life whether that be physical components or coding. While developing my software...
Software Engineering
31 Aug 2022
Java Chips Coming from no previous experience to JavaScript, I was eager to learn and develop my skills in a new language to code in. While learning from freeCodeCamp, I’ve learned that many of the coding operators are very similar...
Coding Software Engineering