Finding My Own Pattern

30 Nov 2022

What Are Design Patterns?

A question commonly asked, but without a common answer. From person to person, the definition of a design pattern is not the same. A design pattern corresponds with the way that a software engineer thinks but not just in a programming sense but also in day to day activity. The way that someone was raised has a massive influence on their design pattern thinking and structure. For a more general definition, a design pattern is the particular way that someone does a task or an activity. This could be the way that an individual gets ready in the morning, how they make breakfast, in what order they do them in. In a coding environment, this could be the way that someone thinks about a problem, would they approach the foundation and what they know, or would they start attacking the problem with a solution. because there are so many different paths to approach a problem, two design patterns are rarely the same.

There Can’t Be That Many Right?

Like I previously stated, everyone has their own way of thinking, their own design pattern. With just over 8 billion people in the world, there may as well be over 8 billion design patterns. While this may not be the case since people have the possibility of thinking the same way, there is still a long list of specfic ways that people approach problems, especially in a software engineering sense. Many of them fall under a category of behavioral, structural, or creational. But design patterns still go beyond this categorization.

Making My Own Pattern

A sense of pattern is not always apparent, some do not find exposure to find their own pattern until in the field. Schooling, while having an influence on this process, forces someone to think a specific way about a problem and does not give the opportunity for someone to discover their own path. However, for those who do not choose the way of college and additional schooling, it may be difficult to find a place to start their journey. While in school, I was fortunate enough to be able to develop my own way of thinking while still having the help of my professors in a way that would aid my learning. This has helped me have a methodical way of thinking of how to approach a problem, what steps I will take to do that, and how I will do them. However, I do think I have not perfected my own design pattern, I believe this works for me and I am able to accomplish many things.

Life Without Design Patterns

A life without desgin patterns is just as above. Plain, blank, boring yet still simple. Despite design patterns being somewhat difficult, it adds a layer of complexity and diversity in a coding environment. This diversity could lead to bigger and broader expansion through coding but the same can still be applied toward life. Design patterns are not just a helpful tool and way of thinking, but could possibly define someone or something and differentiate it from others.